Privacy (AVG)

Privacy: everything about cookies, your privacy and the AVG law
Informationen über House of Birth
This website is managed by House of Birth.
H Birth is located in Rotterdam and is registered under registration number 63459752 in the Chamber of Commerce Trade Register. For questions about the privacy statement, House of Birth can be reached at 010-3168830 or you can contact us by email. The email address is

If you use the House of Birth website and the products and services that can be found on it, please leave details. In addition, the website leaves cookies on your computer. These are used to make the website work better on your device.

Below you can read what data House of Birth can collect, why the practice does that and what can be done with it. You can also read which cookies are used and why.

Cookies by House of Birth
In order to make this website function better and faster and to be able to tailor it to your preferences, certain information about your use of this website is collected. This information can be collected by using so-called “cookies”. These are small text files that are automatically placed on your computer by the web page you visit. You can disable the use of “cookies” via your browser settings. However, this leads to a malfunction of this website. Third parties can also place cookies and track internet behavior, as is the case with embedded videos from Vimeo and Youtube, for example. (At the moment, this is not the case on this website)

Third-party cookies

When visiting the website cookies are also placed by the following third parties:
- Google Adwords
(for relevant ad campaigns and conversion tracking)
- Google Analytics
(for relevant advertising campaigns, analyzing visits and traffic sources, and conversion tracking)

How does the practice get your data?

When you use the website, you leave your details with us in the following ways:

- Navigation through the website
- When you fill out the registration form or send an email to us via the site, you will be asked to fill in information. This is the following information:
-- First and last name
-- Address
-- Date of birth
-- Email address
-- Phone number
-- First day of your last period

Please note that any question you ask us was sent with an unsecured connection. If you don't like this, you can simply call us to ask your question.

What do we do with your data?
The practice stores and processes your data for the following purposes:
- Collection and analysis of statistics in order to optimize the website;
- Making a (first) appointment, or registering a maternity bed.
- If you provide us with medical information, it may be included in your medical file.

By providing information to us, you give us permission to use the data for the above purposes. In addition, some of this information is necessary for the care we provide. We therefore process your data in accordance with the guidelines of the AVG.

Retention period
This privacy statement specifies the retention period of the personal data. If an explicit retention period is not included or the criteria that House of Birth uses to determine how long personal data is kept, House of Birth will not keep the personal data longer than necessary to achieve the purpose communicated to you.

How do we protect your data?
Your data is stored and transmitted securely. Those who have nothing to do with your data simply cannot access it. The practice site builder, YourHosting web hosting and Henry Handsome strive to store and transmit your data using the latest security techniques and encryption methods.

Who does the practice share your data with?

House of Birth treats your personal data confidentially. We will never sell your data to other parties. Your information is therefore expressly not provided to third parties, except when they are directly involved in the care we provide to you, or unless we are legally obliged to provide data. In addition to the medical professionals involved in our care provision, we need the following parties:
- Hosting company for the website and email traffic; Your Hosting.
- Our software provider (Onatal)

Under 16 years old
If you are a minor, i.e. under 16 years old, you may only consent to the processing of your personal data with the consent of one of your parents or legal guardians. It is then important that your parent (s) or guardian read this statement. They can also exercise the rights you have with regard to the personal data you leave with us, such as the right to object to the (further) processing of your personal data or the right to view and correct your data.

Insight into your data
You can always gain insight into the data that House of Birth has about you. You can submit a written request to do so at the practice. Based on the results, you can also request the practice to amend your data if it is factually incorrect, incomplete or irrelevant.

Contact details
The website and the personal data you leave here are practically managed by DeHeeg web hosting. For questions and comments about this Privacy Statement, you can always contact or via

Third-party websites
This Privacy and Cookie Statement does not apply to third-party websites that can be visited via links via this website (links you click on).

Social Media
The practice makes regular use of Social media. We are careful not to include data that can be traced back to you, unless we have explicit permission. Of course, you are free to comment on and share our messages, but we are not responsible for the information you provide.

Please read the privacy statement of Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram and Pinterest (which may change regularly) to see what they do with your personal data.

This site includes buttons to promote or share pages on social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. These buttons are created by code that is supplied by these companies themselves. This code places, among other things, a cookie.