Fertility & your cycle

Female wellbeing starts with a healthy cycle. Balance your hormones by learning more about your cycle and feeling good about yourself. Read more about the differences in contraception or make sure you are well prepared if you want to have children.

Cycle & hormones

Your cycle determines the state of mind from the moment you get your period.

From your first period, you may experience hormonal complaints. Tiredness, PMS, or mood swings. Did you know that these symptoms don't have to be normal at all?


With or without hormones, we are happy to help you find the method that suits you. We can also advise you on the most reliable use for the method of your choice.
Do you want a spiral or implant? At House of Birth, we install various forms of contraception. Exciting? Our experts are here to make you feel at ease.

Do you want to have children?

You would like to get pregnant, but how do you increase the chance that this will also work? And what do you need to do to ensure that the child can develop as well as possible from the very beginning? Discover with us how you can promote the health of both yourself and your future baby before the adventure begins. A small investment now can make a world of difference!
Iris set my spiral and I have to say that this was a completely different experience than with the doctor. Much better! The installation was almost painless and the girls are friendly and professional.
Robin (36 years old)

Don't let your hormones stop you anymore, but learn to live in the flow of your hormones.

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Female wellbeing by House of Birth

We go further than just medical guidance.

Your cycle
Obstetric care
Post partum

Contraception consultation

Do you want information about all forms of contraception or do you want to know what hormone-free methods are available? Schedule a birth control consultation with one of our midwives.

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Childcare consultation

Do you want to have children? Now or in the future? Then our childcare consultation hour is for you. Because pregnancy and your baby's health starts even before conception.

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