General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Do House of Birth's website and practices comply with the GDPR?
In practice, many measures have been taken to ensure compliance with the new legislation. For example, we have an SSL certificate on our website, we have placed a cookie and privacy notice on the website, we have strict protocols when it comes to login names and passwords. We have insight into exactly what data we process, through which processors and we can demonstrate, modify and delete this on request. All clients are actively informed about the practice's privacy policy and receive a statement of consent about what data we process, why we do it and how it can be retrieved and deleted, who can view it and what happens in the event of a data breach. In addition, where necessary, we have entered into processing agreements with external parties that keep our data for us (the processors).

Privacy statement changes
House of Birth reserves the right to make changes to this privacy statement. It is therefore recommended that you regularly review this Privacy Statement so that you are kept up to date with these changes. The most current version can always be viewed via the website.

This privacy statement was last amended on February 13, 2024.