Birth preparation

We notice that the experience of giving birth, even if it goes differently than expected, is highly dependent on good preparation. Now you may think that you have no influence on the course of your birth and therefore decide not to make a birth plan. However, we see that it is precisely with good preparation that you and your (birth) partner know better what you want in unexpected situations.
Before you start preparing, it's good to think about how you would normally like to prepare for new situations.


Do you prefer to prepare at your own pace? Then we have several books in our shop that are our clients' favorites:
Midwife of our colleague Djanifa da Conceicao
Nina Pierson's Mommies
Nina Pierson's Birth Bundle

Go with the Flow

Does too much content information make you uneasy and do you prefer dosed information?
Then we recommend that you take a One-Day Birth Course. In one day, you and your (birth) partner are fully informed about all scenarios and your options.

You can also take our 6-week MOTHER ENERGY course. This is an all-round course where you not only prepare for birth, but also make deeper contact with your child and learn to distribute your energy during pregnancy and afterwards.

House of Birth One Day Birth Course by Doula Amber
One Day Birth Preparation Course (ENG) by Doula Maggie
6-week MOTHER ENERGY course by Daniella Vons

In control

Do you want to explore all options in detail and would you like to make an entire study out of it?
Yes, we think that's great. We also consider ourselves real Birth Nerds. We therefore recommend that you book a One-Day Birth Course and also read the book Mama'en and/or Midwife to be fully up to date.

Also listen to our Podcast

Custom fit

Do you prefer personal guidance focused on your personal situation? For example, did you have a previous traumatic experience? Are you anxious about giving birth? Then it is advisable to make an appointment with a Doula who is also present at your birth or book a personal birth preparation course.
Just love that the preparation is completely adapted to your needs, you can also book a wonderful pregnancy massage in our studio and a postpartum treatment at your home by Amber.

Choose a Doula at birth, read more about our in-house Doulas here

Giving birth after a cesarean section

If your previous child was born by caesarean section, you have various options for your upcoming birth. Perhaps you dream of a VBAC (vaginal delivery after a cesarean section) or you want a relaxed and gentle belly birth this time. Or are you still unsure? Doula Alies will help you with your choice and discuss all options with you in the workshop “Giving birth after a cesarean section.”

How do you make a birth plan?

When you hear about making a birth plan, do you get a flashback to high school test week? Were you then the student who went through all the books and spent the night trying to learn the stuff inside and out, or did you look through the book and notes in front of the classroom and bluff yourself through the test?

Let us reassure you right away: we don't review your birth plan at all. The birth plan is a way for us to understand who you are and what you care about. Rather, your birth plan is a manual where you tell us: This is how I want you to treat me.

In the House of Birth plan, you will find a large number of points to think about, to delve into and that you can possibly include in your own birth plan.

We've created an overview of questions you can think about. Click on the links for more information about the topics. It is explicitly not the intention to include everything in your own birth plan, keep track of what is important to you. This list is primarily intended to inspire things that resonate with you, that you/you might find important, or that you would like to delve into even more while you still can. Once you've gone through everything, you can now start filling out your birth plan yourself. You can print the birth plan and write down your wishes, but you can also fill in digitally.

Book a birthing course

Team Jade


Verloskundige. Ze heeft een enorme passie voor alles wat met mindfulness, meditatie en persoonlijke ontwikkeling te maken heeft. Daarnaast weet ze ontzettend veel over een gezonde leefstijl, duurzaamheid en voeding. Voor zowel jou als je baby!


Verloskundige & Anticonceptie-specialist. Waar Iris geniet van mooie verdiepende gesprekken op het spreekuur, doet ze bij een geboorte het liefst zo min mogelijk. Kijken, observeren, aanmoedigen, en alleen medisch handelen als het nodig is. Iris begeleid jou verder in het kiezen van de juiste anticonceptie en plaatst bij ons ook spiralen.

Team Ceder


Verloskundige & Anticonceptie-specialist.
Merel kent de ware kunst van iemand op z'n gemakt stellen. Ze heeft voor iedereen een luisterend oor en neemt ook een goede dosis humor mee op de afspraken.
Merel host onze New Life Circle events en geeft jou een glimp van je baby tijdens de pretecho’s.


Verloskundige & Versiekundige. Als enige geboren Rotterdammer is zij opgeleid in Amsterdam. Sarah is de rust zelve. Haar kalmte en geduld is haar superkracht! Naast gepassioneerd verloskundige is zij ook versiekundige. Ligt je baby in stuitligging? Op holistische & kundige wijze weet zij babies te draaien naar hoofdligging.


Verloskundige & Hypnotherapeut.
Naast een bevlogen en kundige verloskundige is Marit onze in-house hypnotherapeut. Zij weet op een hele fijne manier jou te helpen met het creëren van een gezonde levenstijl, het verminderen van angst en stress en zelfs pijn bij de bevalling. Marit is ook een vast onderdeel van de 'New Life Circle' events en voert ook pretecho's uit. In januari wordt team Rose versterkt door Elena Vlugt.


Verloskundige & Hypnotherapeut.
Naast een bevlogen en kundige verloskundige is Marit onze in-house hypnotherapeut. Zij weet op een hele fijne manier jou te helpen met het creëren van een gezonde levenstijl, het verminderen van angst en stress en zelfs pijn bij de bevalling. Marit is ook een vast onderdeel van de 'New Life Circle' events en voert ook pretecho's uit. In januari wordt team Rose versterkt door Elena Vlugt.

Team Rose